영어로 인생공부. 우리에게 부족한 건 도구가 아니라 노력이다.. 영어로
빨간모자쌤 수업내용에ㅠ
오늘도 ㅠ 뼈를 ㅠ 강하게 ㅠ 맞았는데요.. ㅠ 🥺🥺
한국어 지문 보고 스스로 영작해보기✍🏻
I've received many emails that publishing book together from publisher for a while, I refused or couldn't answer. I didn't mean refusing publish. In fact, I know there's someone who want a book based on my class. But, the book made from idea that I and publisher insist is not that much different or even worse than books already exist. Right now, I think any book from me is just souvenir cuz there're already good books. Plz Don't forget the thing we don't have enough is not tools or document but effort.
바로 안 떠오른 영어
~에 지나지 않을 것이다
선생님 영어 듣고 받아쓰기👀👂
I've gotten a emails from a lot of publisher proposing to work with me to publish the book. All of which I've either declined or fail to reply to.
It's not that I against the idea of publishing the book. In fact I'm well aware that there're some people who really like to see a book based on my lessons. It just that all the ideas that have been broughten? forced? so far by publisher and myself can only lead a book that is no different even not worse than the ones that already exist. At the moment I believe that any book that I put out were so? more or seuvonir than anything else. Because there're plenty of really good one's outthere. Let's not forget. That's not the tool or material that we lack. It's the effort.
영어 받아쓰기 채점✔️
I've gotten emails from a lot of publisher proposing to work with me to publish the book, all of which I've either declined or fail to reply to.
It's not that I against the idea of publishing the book
In fact I'm well aware that there're some people who would really like to see a book based on my lessons.
It just that all the ideas that have been brought forth so far by publisher and myself can only lead a book that is no different even if not worse than the ones that already exist. At the moment I believe that any book that I put out were so? more or would serve more as a souvenir than anything else. Because there're plenty of really good one's outthere ones out there. Let's not forget. That's that it's not the tools or material that we lack. It's the effort.
선생님 영어와 내 영어 단어가 어떻게 다른지 체크☑️
제안하다 propose proposing
같이 일하자고 work with me
그동안 : 딱히 영작에 다른 부사를 붙이는 게 아니라 현재완료 시제를 써서 해결함
출판사, 출판하다 : publisher / publish
책을 출판하다 : publish the book
all of which : 와 이 표현 뭐임 / 앞에 제안 받았던 이메일 모두?
거절하다 : decline / refuse
하지 못했어 : fail to sth / couldn't sth
반대하다 : be against
알고 있다 : know / be aware
강의 : lesson / class
아예 생소하게 느껴지는 단어
brought forth
if not worse
발음 확실히 익히기
the effort 잇츠 <디> 에폴ㅌ 라고 발음한다
All of which I've either 올 오브 위치 아이브 <아이덜> 이라고 발음함... 왜지
all the ideas <디>아이디어
선생님 내용
I've gotten emails from a lot of publishers proposing to ~
문장 구성 주목 !
ing내용을 담은 이메일을 받았다 누구로부터 ~
all of which ~ 부분의 문장
원래 문장을 두 개로 나눌 수 있다.
(~publish a book)+(I have either declined or failed to reply to all of them.)
it's not that A it's just that B
사실은 a가 아니라 b다
be against sth
sth 에 대해 반대하는 입장이다
i'm well aware that
나는 충분히 인지하고 있다
people who would really like to see : 그 책이 있는 것 자체를 보고 싶어하는 사람, 그 책이 존재하는 걸 원하는 것을 원하는 것
people who really want book : 책을 개인적으로 원하는 것
so far : 현재까지
have been brought forth : bring forth 앞으로 가져 오다 / 수동태로 앞으로 가져와지다로 많이 쓰임
if not worse :
put out : 낸다 / 출판한다 /
A serve as B
a는 b로서의 역할을 한다
would serve more sth than anything else.
어떤 것보다 sth으로서의 역할을 가장 크게 할 거다 = 결과적으로는 sth 역할 밖에 못한다
굉장히 순화시켜서 이야기하는 것. 공식적인 자리에서 중요한 표현
out there : 시중에 나와 있다
the idea of publishing ~ 으로
아이디어를 이용해서 꾸미면 좀 더 포괄적인 개념에 대한 걸 의미해서 부드러운 뉘앙스가 됨
배웠으면 써먹어야지!🍰
우리가 부족한 건 도구가 아니라 노력이다, 공부에 대한 영어 에세이 쓰기 - https://growingooj.tistory.com/m/166